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We miss you Shad.. Happy Angel day on March 31st. We love you foreverMomma

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Shadrick Daniel Vickers who was born in Kentucky on April 13, 1976 and passed away on March 31, 2005. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

My son Shad became ill on the 18th day of March 2005.  He was admitted to the hospital that day with Pancreatitis.  He was very ill and had to have a PCA for pain.  He watched the ballgames in his room on Friday and  Saturday.  He was very sick but was feeling better those days.  I left him Saturday night and told him I would me back Sunday morning.  Early on Sunday morning the phone rang at home and it was Shad.  He said he was scared and that he needed me.  I got up and got ready and was there in 15 minutes.  He had a catherter and two IV's by now.  His kidney's were not working well.  That really scared me.  In the afternoon he wanted to take a walk in the hall and that is just what we did.  I remember looking at my baby boy walking with his IV's and catherter.  His eyes were yellow and so was his skin.  His body trembled while he walked because he was so weak.  We didn't walk long because he said he had to go back to bed.. Little did I know that would be the last walk that I would take with my son.  That night he began to have a hard time breathing and it scared him alot.  They decided to put him in the ICU early Monday morning and that really scared him.  He said that Papa, my Dad, died in the ICU and he didn't want to die.  I told him that we were going there to monitor him more closely and that he wasn't going to die.  Tiffany, his wife, had brought him a cowboy hat and he wanted to know if he could wear it to the Unit.  I told him that was fine and off we went to the elevator with a cowboy that was to long for the bed.  He looked so cute, I wish I had taken a picture of him.  We got to the Unit and got settled and I told them I would be staying with him and that no one was going to stop me.  They said that was fine.  I worked at the hospital and they knew me, that was a good thing because they took really good care of him and of me.  That meant so much to our family.  My Sarah had come to see Shad  the second day he was there and it was so wonderful.  They had become so close in the past year, Sarah didn't get to see her brother again until we were in Lexington at Central Baptist.  The day that that happened I prayed that God would send me an angel to tell me what to do about moving Shad to another hospital.  One of the nurses that is my friend came out of the unit and said to me, if he was mine I would get him out of here and I told her to do it.  The morning was long.  We were waiting of the paper work and for the Drs to decide where to send him when all of the sudden I heard over the overhead ,CODE BLUE ICU CODE BLUE ICU CODE BLUE ICU  I knew that it was my baby boy.  I just felt it in my heart.  Garry and I went to a small room and hit our knees.  We begged God not to take our baby boy.  What seemed to be forever was just a short period and that is when the Drs came out and told us that he was on a Vent and that they were going to send him to CBH for a cardiac cath and he would be in a CICU.  When we left the hospital he was resting, but very critical.  When we got there after the heart cath the dr came out and told us that his heart was fine but they were concerned that they couldn't wake him up.  Oh my what did that mean.  I told them he had alot of Pain Medicine in his system and that was why.,.  They put him in a neuro ICU and that is when there was a Dr that came out and told me and Garry that Shad was Brain Dead.  I have never felt a felling like that in my life.  We were there for Panceatitis and this can't be right.  But the worse part of it was that it was true.  My son would never wake up again.  We spent the next several days doing Dialysis and everything that we could to save him.  I felt like as his mother that it wasn't going to work.  I felt that we were losing my precious son.  I went in his room one afternoon and told him if he needed to go that it was ok.  I told him that we would make it.  It wasn't long until the meeting we had with the Drs to make that dreaded decision to turn off the machines.  We did just that.  After a day of goodbyes and lots of tears and visitors my first born baby boy went to be with the Lord and with all of the people that went before.  He was with Papa now and with Grandmother and Papaw.  He was where we all work so hard to get to.  He was in heaven, how do I know that,  because my son had given his whole self to Jesus just Months before and that is my friend the only way you can give up your child, to know that you will see them again.  My work now is to get to heaven and see him again.




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