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Les Mémoires
Leanne Bloom

I never had the privilage of meeting Shad but his existance and his death brought me closer to Sarah whom has become and will be a great Friend to me forever!
And seeing pictures of his babies and even Sarah's Seth will always remind me of Shad cause I think they all have so many of his characteristics-


God Bless!

Edna Lynn May
Andrew Burchett
I'll never forget how well Shad treated me when I was a little boy. He always made me feel welcome and special, whether it was shooting basketball or playing video games.
Well baby today was the last full day that you lived with us on this world as we know it.  Gosh I miss you so much.  There are so many things that I want to tell you and that I want you to see.   Shelby is one of the things that I want you to meet.  Shad she is so much like you and Sarah.  She is so wonderful and I know that God allowed us to have her to help us heal.  And Sydney, well what can I say, she is one in a million and that makes me so happy.  She is so creative and cute and stinkin and all the things together make her who she is.  Seth is just like you were. He is a husky little sweet loving child that would give the shirt off of his back.  He loves Jesus and doesn't care who knows.  That makes me so happy.  Savanna, well what can I say, she is growing into a young lady that would make you so proud.  She talks about you all the time.  She misses you so much.  Sometimes I get so sad to think that she has to grow up without seeing for herself what a wonderful person you were.  She is alot like you in ways that make me so happy.  She is smart, pretty, loving and just all around a person that reminds me that she has alot of your wonderful traits in her.  Robbie and Aiden are so much like twins.  They are totally and completely boys.  You would love that for sure.  They love cars, spiderman, sponge bob and all the things that you all could enjoy together.  Shad you always wanted a son and you were blessed with two and only got to spend such a short time with both of them.  Tiffany is so good to make sure that they know who you were and what a wonderful Daddy you would have been.  That makes me so happy to know that it is so important to her for them to know that.  They are both very loving boys and full of life.  What a wonderful thing that you handed down to all three of your kids is the love for people.  That is something that not everyone has.  That my son was what people remembered most about you were the love you had and the hugs you gave to everyone that would receive them.  Thank you for all the wonderful memories that you left behind.  I will cry today and tomorrow because I am just a mother that misses her son, but I know if you had a choice of whether to come back or stay that you would stay.  I love you so much and feel so blessed that God gave you to me.  I promise that I will do everything that I humanly can to get to heaven to see you again someday.  I WILL SEE YOU WHEN I GET THERE.  I love you Momma
Today I was thinking of the last walk that you and I took down the hall at the hospital..  You were so weak.  I remember looking at you with yellow eyes and yellow skin and you were trembling.  I miss you so much that sometimes my heart truly aches.  You were such a wonderful son and I feel so blessed to have had you as long as I did.  I see you in the eyes of your children.  They are just a reminder of what a wonderful person you were.  Thank you for the memory from today 4 years ago.  I will see you when I get there.
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